kitesafaris and downwinds
What a kitesafari is?
As its name indicates, we are going on a sea safari but riding with the kite. We could call it Downwind but that would be if we only navigated drifting and in our case we offer you several possibilities, although the best thing is that you can propose your own “ad hoc” itinerary.
Are we going alone?
We want you to come back and not get lost in the seas so we will always go with a kiter-guide and a support boat in case of need.
One of the most requested safaris by everyone is to cross from Lanzarote to Fuerteventura (15 km). It seems like something simple but starting from an island in the middle of the ocean reaching its «sister», no matter how much you always see the destination, is something that will be never forgotten.
We will leave the port of Corralejo towards the nearby island of Lanzarote, where we will look, depending on the direction of the wind, for the best place to set up our equipment. Once everyone is set up, the guide will be the first to get into the wter and the rest of us will follow behind him, always at a safe distance but taking our own paths in the water. We can jump, surf waves or downwind at full speed. We will approach Lobos Island to surround it and exit on its southern side, from where we will head towards the Rocky Point wave and go downwind directly to El Médano Beach, incorrectly called Flag Beach. Where we can continue riding.
- Approximate duration: 1 ½ – 2 hours
- Level required: Advanced (you must know how to ride in any circumstance and maritime conditions since you will sail in the open sea.
- Your own equipment. Depending on the particular conditions of the day and your own, we will tell you what kite size will be appropriate. You will need to choose the board you normally use to surf.
One of the funiest safaris is here. Leaving the misnamed “Flag Beach”, whose real name is El Médano, we will begin by warming up a little there and then cross the channel and head towards Lobos Island. This will be the warm-up.
From there, we will continue north until we approach the port of Corralejo, which we will pass by to continue norther and go around the island. We will pass through Majanicho and along the entire northern coast until we reach the Marrajo lagoon, where we will make a stop (whoever wants). To finish, we will leave the lagoon and go to Piedra Playa passing along the entire Northwest coast and seeing Cotillo from the side.
- Approximate duration: 2 ½ – 3 hours
- Level required: Advanced
- Physical level: good. You must be able to browse for an hour straight
- Your own equipment. Depending on the particular conditions of the day and your own, we will tell you what kite size will be appropriate. You will need to choose the board you normally use to surf.
The best way to get to know that coast that you saw when you arrived at the island from the airport is to do this Downwind, which could be pure Downwind or with an East wind, which will mean that we will ride in a main direction and we will have to vary directions so as not to exhaust one side only from our body.
This safari passes through several wave zones or we can make stops in them, also when we get to Lajas we will be enjoying its two wave zones but it is not indicative that you have to be a wave kiter, you can use them to jump or enjoy them with your Twintip.
- Approximate duration: 1 ½ – 2 hours
- Level required: advanced-intermediate
- Your own equipment. Depending on the particular conditions of the day and your own, we will tell you what kite size will be appropriate. You will need to choose the board you normally use to surf.